Tuesday, April 26, 2011

An Unbalanced Lifestyle

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Maaan, that was a tough day for Muhammad and I. I had to help him pay for the damage to the masjid and the medical bills for all of his injuries. He still hasn't paid me back!

But we did learn an unforgettable lesson from this:

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Feed Your Body, But Don't Forget to Feed Your Soul! + Soul Food Videos!

I was trying to study yesterday, when Muhammad called me. I knew he'd get me into a long conversation so I ignored it. He left me a voice mail, then a text message and then 10 more text messages. I finally gave in and called him back. 

Me: Asalamu Alaikum. What's up?
Muhammad: Walaikum Asalam! I MET SHEIKH BOHOT ACHA!
Me: WHAT?! The world renowned Islamic scholar? You actually spoke to him?
Muhammad: Well not really. I just went to an MSA event he was speaking at. I was too shy to talk to him.
Me: Uhhhh did you call me just to tell me that?
Muhammad: No, not just that. He answered a question. 
Me: Ohh so he answered your question?
Muhammad: Not really. It was someone else's question. I couldn't think of anything to ask. 
Me: Muhammad! Why does this matter? I'm trying to study!
Muhammad: Listen, it's really good. So this guy went up to the mic and said that he was researching Islam for a while. They had a discussion that went something like this:

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Face Veil Ban: Who Are The Niqabis?

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As you may have heard, a law in France has been put into effect, which bans face veils such as the niqab or burqa. Many people have stated that this is simply a move by French President Nicolas Sarkozy to improve his public image and to win over votes. This seems more likely than the common argument that the law is in defense of women's rights, which the niqab and burqa apparently violate. 

While I can understand why someone who has never met a niqabi (a person who wears the niqab) may be misled into believing this, especially with the way Muslims are portrayed in the media, I know from my personal experience that such an idea is completely untrue. When I used to volunteer at an Islamic summer program,

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Interactive Cartoon Muhammad! Share Your Answers to the Questions Below!

So I was watching the video below and questions the guy asked really made think and reflect. I can tell I wasn't the only one with this reaction. I just jokingly asked my friend one of the questions and some random person who was walking by answered with complete seriousness. I thought it would be interesting to hear what everyone else's answers would be.

So here are the questions:

1. Why are you here? (Basically, what are you doing now (or nowadays) and why?)
2. What motivates you more, love or fear? Why?
3. Do you believe in government? Do you believe they tell the truth? Do they have your best interest at heart?
4. What does freedom mean to you?
5. What makes you happy in life?
6. What is the meaning of life?

Leave your answers in the comment section and check out the video too.