Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Are You Ready For Ramadan?




Ramadan is about 1 month away. Why mention it now you ask? Is it because I couldn't think of another topic? Well maybe, but it is never too early to prepare for Ramadan. As you know, Ramadan is blessed month that is completely unique from other months. You can just feel it. Everyone refrains from eating, Muslims are on their best behavior and the mosque is actually filled on days other than Friday (wow!). Why do people act so different during Ramadan? Well there are a number of reasons.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said,  “…Whoever draws nearer (to Allah) by performing any of the (optional) good deeds in (this month), shall receive the same reward as performing an obligatory deed at any other time; and whoever performs an obligatory deed in (this month), shall receive the reward of performing seventy obligations at any other time. It is the month of patience, and the reward of patience is Paradise . It is the month of charity, and a month in which a believer’s sustenance is increased. Whoever gives food to a fasting person to break his fast shall have his sins forgiven, and he will be saved from the Hell-Fire, and he shall have the same reward as the fasting person, without his reward being diminished at all.” Not a bad incentive right? Wasting an opportunity like this would be like not doing an easy extra credit assignment that would guarantee you an A on your exam. Man, I wish there was a college equivalent of Ramadan.
  Some people get a bit confused about Ramadan. They are extra good during Ramadan, even better than some practicing Muslims (which shows how much potential they have), but then stop practicing Islam almost completely as soon as the month ends. It's like someone does the extra credit, but doesn't take the required exams and projects and still expect to pass. We forget that in Islam, actions are based on intention. Wouldn't it be a shame if we did all these amazing deeds during Ramadan, but none of them counted because we knew from the start that we would go back to disobeying Allah as soon as Ramadan ends? 

So let's not think about how long these summer fasts will be and how early you'll have to wake up for suhoor, but think about the amazing potential for rewards Allah will grant us purely out of His mercy. 
In the comments section: What are the biggest mistakes people make during Ramadan? What new and interesting plans do you have planned for the upcoming Ramadan?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Love of Halal Gyros

Asalamu Alaikum all! I'm a bit busy these days and want to be more consistent with this website, so I thought I'd share with you a comic I made for my friends back in high school. It's a bit random, has some inside jokes and you'll notice a lot of similarities to one of the previous comics, but I'm sure you'll forgive me.

I made this some time after a gyro cart (also known as chicken and rice carts or halal carts) appeared a few blocks away from my high school. If you live in New York City, you've probably heard of the 53rd and 6th halal cart. Well this was a local version of that, which can now be found all around the city. They serve lamb and chicken over a platter of brown rice or pita bread with salad on the side. But what really makes them a hit is

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Reflections from North Shore LIJ Cancer Survivor's Day With Darryl Strawberry (Video)

Click the picture to proceed

*Alhamdulillah= Praise be to Allah
*InshAllah= If Allah wills
*JazakAllah= May Allah reward you

Last week, Muhammad, my brother and I attended North Shore University Hospital’s and LIJ Medical Center’s Fifth Annual Cancer Survivors’ Day. We decided to go, because Alhamdulillah, my brother is a cancer survivor and successfully finished his chemotherapy about a month ago. 

The event was held in a huge tent in the Monter Cancer Center's parking lot. When we entered, there were round tables set up with lots of goodies, like cookies, iced tea and wine bottles (which turned out to be this nonalcoholic apple sparkle drink mmm mmm). The podium was set up in the middle of the tent, right next to the dance floor where a bunch of elderly survivors were having a little too much fun. 

We weren't really sure how the event would go and considered leaving, but decided to stay once the speeches started. Alhamdulillah, we made a good choice to stay. Before the famous baseball legend, Darryl Strawberry came up to speak,