Wednesday, December 11, 2013


I first heard about "Somewhere in America #MIPSTERZ" on Facebook. There were comments upon comments debating on its appropriateness, Islamic modesty, role of women and other serious topics. It was even featured on Buzzfeed. I watched the video expecting to either be outraged or enthralled. I mean, if it was that controversial, there was no way I couldn't be emotionally ignited one way or another. Unfortunately, I was left very underwhelmed. This isn't to say the the discussions the video brought were silly or unfruitful, they were actually pretty interesting, but I found it funny how seriously people were taking the video. So that's what this comic is about.

Here's the video for those who haven't seen it:


  1. Lol the lyrics are ehhh... But I like how the video depicts different women covering their head in different ways and having fun. But it is whatever.

  2. HAahahahaah MA SHAA ALLAH good work may Allah reward you
    Please make cartoon for Ramadan
