Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Naruto Themed Response to the "Innocence of Muslims" Fiasco

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This whole "Innocence of Muslims" fiasco has really been annoying me. A little known video, that could have easily been made in someone's backyard, that should have been left in the abyss of Youtube videos rarely watched, is now being used to rile up Muslims in the Middle East and other regions. What really makes me upset is how people on both sides, the Muslim-hating bigots and religious/political leaders, are using this video to make the Muslim world do exactly what they want them to. The guy who made the film is getting an early Christmas gift from all the Muslims being portrayed as angry and intolerant barbarians, while certain religious leaders and political parties are gaining supporters by seemingly taking a harder stance on the film and America. Either way, the root of the problem is that, unlike our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), we are too quick to anger. As "Princess Mononoke" beautifully portrayed with that boar race, when you become angry, you become stupid and are toyed with easily. Ok, done rambling... for now.