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After publishing the last post, I saw a lot of people making the video below their status. The background of the situation was that ICNA relief held a fundraising dinner to raise money for women's shelters and to help relieve homelessness and hunger in the US. What a nice thing to do right? Unfortunately, instead of praising such efforts, hundreds of people came to protest the event. The protests were filled with hateful and offensive language against Muslims. (see video after the break)
It's interesting that the most of the protesters seem to be from the other Abrahamic faiths. They don't seem to realize that we share many of the same beliefs and values. We all believe in one God and that God sent prophets, such as Moses, Noah, Jesus (peace be upon them) to guide humanity, for example. Then why do so many people, who share so much with us, hate us so much? I'm convinced that it is because of a lack of education and because hatred towards a specific minority is being exacerbated for political gain (seriously, what happened to all that ruckus about the Park 51 Mosque after the elections?). If we concentrated on our similarities more, we would cooperate with each other so much better and would be able to disagree where we differ more respectfully.