Thursday, March 3, 2011

Muslim Hate Got You Down? It's Ok. Superheroes Go Through the Same Thing

I was watching this video about Sohail Mohammed a few days ago. MashAllah he's done quite a bit for the community. He's an immigration lawyer that was appointed as a judge to the New Jersey Superior Court by governor Chris Christie. Not only that, he arranged job fairs at his local mosque that encourage Muslims to find employment in the FBI and other police forces. Oh and that's not all, he has given lectures on Muslim culture and Islam to the FBI. It would be tough to find a better citizen than that right? But no, Mr. Mohammed
was accused by some of having ties to Hamas (seriously, its like everyone and their mom can be tied to Hamas) and that his appointment will bring Sharia law (remember, to Muslim-haters it only consists of hand-cutting and women-stoning) to New Jersey.

That reminded me of something I saw on The Daily Show, where some people were upset that in a recent comic, Batman chose a Muslim Algerian (who lived his whole life in France) as his representative in France.

At first these two news stories made me upset, but then I remembered something: Superheroes like Batman and Spider-man save their city all the time, but they still are criticized, suspected and even sometimes hated. But that doesn't stop them. They keep on saving the world on a daily basis, and that's exactly what Muslims have to do.

1 comment:

  1. How Does Muslim Batman do Wudhu? Please explain, oh lil Muhammad aka Cartoon Muhammad!
