Friday, April 15, 2011

The Face Veil Ban: Who Are The Niqabis?

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As you may have heard, a law in France has been put into effect, which bans face veils such as the niqab or burqa. Many people have stated that this is simply a move by French President Nicolas Sarkozy to improve his public image and to win over votes. This seems more likely than the common argument that the law is in defense of women's rights, which the niqab and burqa apparently violate. 

While I can understand why someone who has never met a niqabi (a person who wears the niqab) may be misled into believing this, especially with the way Muslims are portrayed in the media, I know from my personal experience that such an idea is completely untrue. When I used to volunteer at an Islamic summer program,
many of the teachers and organizers wore the niqab. They were some of the most assertive and inspiring people I have ever met, but most of all, they were ordinary people like you or me. The idea that a piece of cloth covering their face would somehow stop them from achieving their potential never registered with me. 

So if you have this feeling that people who cover their face are oppressed, or just different, why not talk to one of them? I'm sure you'll find a lot more in common than you think!

So have you ever met a woman who covers her face? What was your impression of her?