Friday, May 11, 2012

The Smelly Friend: How to Give Advice

A lot of people mean well when they give advice, but end up doing more harm than good. We often think that if we explain something to someone logically enough, it will make sense to them and they will change our ways instantly. Unfortunately, that happening is more common in our imaginations than in reality. In my experience, giving advice is just as much an emotional issue as it is rational. The way we give advice can make the difference between someone changing for the better and solidifying bad habits.

 This is a major problem in the Muslim community. Many of us become overzealous and advise people so harshly that we either push them further from Islam, or crush their self esteem. If we try advising with love and genuine concern, I'm sure we would see better results and feel better.

 In the comments section, share with us an example from your experience of advice being given the wrong and right way.